Under bundled payments, a single payment is made for all of the services associated with an episode of care, such as a hip or knee replacement or cardiac surgery. Services might include all inpatient, outpatient, and rehabilitation care associated with the procedure.
As payment models transition to value-based and bundled payments, measuring the right outcomes and avoiding high cost events is of the utmost importance. Getting started early and implementing the right tools is critical to ensuring success in the new world of bundled payments and value-based care.
More than 800 hospitals are being held accountable for the quality and total cost (all Medicare FFS Part A and B costs of care during the hospital stay as well as Medicare costs for 90 days post hospital discharge) of care provided to Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries for lower extremity joint replacement (LEJR) procedures (MS-DRG 469 and 470).
Announced in 2016 and launching in 2017, the Cardiac Care Bundled Payment model is an expansion of the CMS mandated bundled payment program and will hold hospitals in 98 randomly-selected metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) accountable for the quality and total cost of care for heart attacks and bypass surgery.
OnlineCare helps in optimizing Care Coordination as well as in cost reduction:
Meet Value Base Care requirements
Enable shared decision making
Increase patient and provider satisfaction
Identify risks before they happen
View and manage individual patient glide paths
Inform and guide supply chain decisions